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J P Barreda Showing Sculptures April 28, 2018

The format for our next salon at the Microscopic Theater will be an interesting departure from what we've done heretofore. We'll start at 7:00 p.m. -- nothing unusual there -- on Saturday, April 28. And we'll have wine and cheese etc. very much like we've had before. But placed within the Microscopic Theater will be several pieces of sculpture by J P Barreda, and viewing will be free-form and at will, with J P present to chat informally with all comers about his work. So it'll be more like a gallery opening than a sit-down presentation.

The sculpture series is called "Mesedoras." J P, who hails recently from Juarez, Mexico, tells me this about the pieces he'll be showing: The Mesedoras series focuses on a singular concept: the transformation of an existing object into a new form completely separate from its previous function. The trio of sculptures from the series, each its own mesedora (Spanish word for rocking chair) were found in three different locations and in desperate need of repair. Each of the three distinct styles of construction and craftsmanship allowed for the re-use of its individual features and shapes to create an equally diverse group of animals.

Yes, animals! And yes, the sculptures are as fascinating and beautiful as you might imagine from the description. And J P is a delight to talk with. You will not want to miss this chance to meet an exciting young talent and see some of his work.

As usual, I would appreciate your letting me know if you are coming to this event. Just call me at 828-251-0733 or email

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